Wednesday, January 29, 2020

African-American Civil Rights in the Years 1950 to 1962 Essay Example for Free

African-American Civil Rights in the Years 1950 to 1962 Essay Explain how far the views in Source B differ from those in Source A in relation to President Eisenhower and the desegregation of education. Both sources illustrate Eisenhower’s negative opinion on desegregation in schools. Both criticise and portray Eisenhower’s intolerance of black people as Source states Eisenhower’s comment that white people ‘ are concerned about is that their sweet little girls are not required to sit in school alongside some big overgrown Negroes’ . Eisenhower’s ‘sympathises’; the south as he originates there himself, the intolerance could be considered to be part of the South’s culture and behaviour to be intolerant of the black people, it is arguable that this effected Eisenhower’s political judgement . The fact that Eisenhower came from military background after spending 44 years of his life in service, would have influenced his decisions and opinions on desegregation as military camps were segregated and Eisenhower would have been use to this system. He once again agues from the South’s point of view in Source B, ‘I don’t believe you can change the hearts of men with laws and decisions’ this once again supports the point I made before. Evidence of his intolerance was regretting appointing Earl Warren as chief of justice ‘the biggest damn fool mistake I ever made’ he obviously was very against the decision and never wanted desegregation. The similarities continue as both sources shows the reluctance of helping the black people through desegregation. Source A comments that he didn’t show a clear support for the Supreme Court decision to desegregate schools, ‘his silence encouraged massive resistance’. His political and personal opinions were colliding with each other making his actions limited. Source B shows proof of his reluctance also as it stated three years later he finally protects the little rock 9 with a federal army in 1957. This was the first time Eisenhower showed support of segregation however; it was a ‘weak act’ from Eisenhower. It could be possible that he felt that it was his study as the president not himself supporting civil rights for the black people. However, the sources do differ in the fact that source B states a more positive view on Eisenhower even thought it was considered ‘weak’. As already stated Eisenhower While in presidency did not actively support desegregation and had reservations about the Brown decision, he understood his constitutional responsibility to uphold the federal authority and the law. Eisenhower ordered federal troops to guard and Little Rock and protect black students as they walked to school. He therefore became the first president since Reconstruction to use federal troops to protect the rights of African Americans. As Source A’s tone is very negative as it quotes intolerant views on the African Americans, it insinuates that Eisenhower is very against African Americans being part of a ‘white society’ this contrast with the little rock 9 as he aids the black people into the school, after his comments it would been unlikely to help the black people but he does. To conclude: source A and B are very similar as they both voice the intolerance and his lack of support Eisenhower gave to the African-Americans. I agree with the source as from my own knowledge he was very against civil rights because of his Sothern influence. His views on desegregation was transparent from his actions and that’s what source and B illustrate (12 Marks) (B) Use Source A, B and C and your own knowledge. How important was the Supreme Court in the development of African-American civil rights in the years 1950 to 1962? The Supreme Court is the highest federal court in the US, consisting of nine justices and taking judicial precedence over all other courts in the nation. The Supreme Court would have benefited every African- American with their decisions of passing and lifting laws if they succeeded in winning their cases. It allowed them to have legal rights with in the country and legally be equal to the white people. However, the self-esteem of the African Americans was low due to the intolerance of the white people therefore figures such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and support of political figures such as Kennedy allowed them to be brave and a sense of pride in gaining equality. Therefore, the Supreme Court could be considered less important than other figures and factors that occurred between 1950 and 1962. Source A and B discuss the Brown vs. Topeka’s Board of Education verdict in 1954. The Supreme Court passed the law of desegregated schools by the chief of Justice Earl Warren. He was criticised for his decision such as President Eisenhower, who had shared his annoyance with Warren by stating that is was the ‘biggest damn fool mistake he ever made’. The silence of Eisenhower’s support on desegregation caused massive resistance along with the indirect deadline for when desegregation is to commence. Hence, Brown 2 in 1955 was the attempt to get a clearer deadline than before. However, disappointingly the verdict was ‘with all deliberate speed’ it was still vague and prolonged the wait for desegregation. The Supremes’ role in this particular situation helped civil rights as it declared more equality within America however turned to a hindrance as it become a battle of when it will happen. The decision also caused further problems for the African- Americans as Little Rock complied with the high court’s laws and decided to desegregate there all white school. The NAACP submitted nine students originally to join the school and gradually bring more in and settled them slowly. However, it wasn’t that simply as the 9 students went to enter their school they was verbally abused and tormented by the white southerners, Eisenhower had to submit federal assistance to help them into school , this is stated in source B as it had taken 3 years to show any support from Eisenhower and the south to finally accept desegregation . Eisenhower’s federal involvement was then became the first president since Reconstruction to use federal troops to protect the rights of African Americans. However, since Brown vs. education Source C states that McLaurin vs. Oklahoma rules that universities too have to follow the desegregation law and that you ‘could not provide different treatment to a student solely because of his/her race’. This proves that the Supreme Court was furthering African American rights through all levels of education making them equal and educated. This is another influence the Supreme Court had over monumental changes for the African Americans and the society around them. However, it is arguable that the Supreme Court only assisted the figures and events that immensely changed civil rights for the African Americans. Events such as the Montgomery Bus boycott in 1956 were a political and social protest. after the arrest of Rosa parks African Americans were ready to take action and regain some equality and raise the issue of how wrong it is to make a ‘tired, old lady’ to move, even if it wasn’t entirely true. The boycott was led by the group the MIA (Montgomery Improvement Association) Saturday 3rd December the black community supported each other as a lot of people avoided the busses and had to take rides with other people in the community, even though it was difficult the supporters of the cause enthusiastically agreed to continue the boycott until there was justice. The success of the black people boycotting led to economic stress were the issue of segregation would be over. The fact that one event, encourage African Americans to stand for their rights influenced and uncovered the most influential figures in civil right history and gained justice from their efforts. This is repeated again the 1960 in the Greensboro sit-in’s when African Americans refuse to move to from their seats in the Woolworths store. Their numbers increased in support and was watched by the world; even Eisenhower voiced his opinions on the matter. These nonviolent protests allowed black people to become a part of changing their future and not relying on court cases and individuals to get them there. Arguably even though they gained great success the black people didn’t have any legal hold on desegregating the bus system, thus the Browder vs. Gayle case. The Supreme Court upheld the district court’s decision in making bus’s desegregated. Without the confirmation from the Supreme Court all the black people’s efforts would have resulted to nothing without the confirmation of the Supreme Court. Rosa parks is seen in our modern day history as an inspirational civil rights leader. Her story influenced thousands of African Americans to boycott buses and gain equality. However, her image of being a ‘hard working, old, fragile women’ who wanted to rest her feet after a long day isn’t true at all. She had been an active protester and NAACP member for years and probably planned this protest to gain publicity and change. Due to her protest Martin Luther King was noticed as a civil rights figure, he had been watched from all over the world and from then on seen as the leading civil rights leader. His efforts in the SCLC created in 1957 after the Montgomery bus boycott, helped the southern African Americans who suffered from great intolerance . However, once again their efforts amounted to achieving the legalisation of equality, without the Supreme Court all their efforts went to nothing. To conclude: even though Martin Luther King is seen as the saviour of the African Americans in gaining equality and is still admired in our modern day society, it is the supreme court that allowed them legally to be treated as equals and live the lives they should live. However, without the efforts and protests the Supreme Court would never have considered to pass or all the African Americans to have the equality they gained through their efforts. Therefore, the other factors that influenced African Americans development on civil rights were more important than the Supreme Court. (2A) Explain why school were not immediately desegregated after the verdict in the Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education case of 1954 * Â  Earl Warren passed desegregation in 1954 in the Brown vs. Topeka Board of education. This was to end segregation. The NAACP appointed Thurgood to take the case and won with Earl Warren’s confirmation However, Warren didn’t set the deadline when schools should be desegregated. This prolonged desegregation and led to the court case Brown 2 in 1955 to gain directness on when desegregation will commence .However the verdict remained vague commenting that desegregation should happen with ‘all deliberate speed’ allowing desegregation, once again to be prevented from racial diversity in schools. This suggests that the Supreme Court was reluctant to desegregate schools fully due to Eisenhower’s silence and the South’s reluctance to do so. Other than the Cooper vs. Aaron case, the southern manifesto is proof of their reluctance as this was a legal document signed by 99 politicians to counter the decision on Brown vs. Education, because of the legality and not just the opinions of the south. This then makes the manifesto more than reluctance but a serious legal matter. Their claim matched the opinions of the south commenting that ‘segregation in public schools was unconstitutional. The southern manifesto stated that ‘It is destroying the amicable relations between the white and Negro races’, ‘It has planted hatred and suspicion where there has been heretofore friendship and understanding’ to make their argument fair and agreeable they used the idea that desegregation will bring violence and issues to the communities when there is no need. Even though some areas (especially in the north where it was more tolerant) accepted desegregation quickly. However, a lot of the south continued segregation as they didn’t agree with the Brown vs. Board of Education, thus the southern manifesto. The build-up of tension of intolerance was at little rock. Little rock school in Arkansas decided to comply with the high court’s ruling. The NAACP submitted 9 students to the previously all white school. They was verbally abused and tormented as they entered the school, President Eisenhower had to send federal troops to protect the 9 children. This suggests that ‘fear’ that was presented in the southern manifesto was proven to be true allowing anxiety for other schools and black people to comply with desegregation. President Eisenhower originated from the south and voiced intolerance himself about the decisions of Brown vs. board of education. It was commented that his silence encouraged massive resistance to applying the new law forcefully through the country as he did not agree with the verdict. It was also claimed that he voiced annoyance about appointing Earl Warren stating that it was ‘The biggest damn fool mistake I ever made’ this is evidence of his intolerance because he disapproved of Warren’s decision. Being a military man himself he was use to the segregation system and probably agreed with the idea of ‘separate but equal’. This suggests why the Supreme Court had given vague answers of when the deadline should be on desegregation because the president wasn’t happy with the decision. To conclude: there were many factors to why desegregation wasn’t immediate however; the most important factor that contributed to preventing desegregation was the south. The fear, the legal documentation created by the south, the behaviour and the powerful leaders from the south made the desegregation difficult and tense. The South’s intolerance caused the most issues, as the north complied with high court’s decision quickly as there was less intolerance. Â  * (2B) ‘The work of the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP) was the most important reason for the desegregation of schools in the years 1950 to 1960’ * Explain why you agree or disagree with this view * The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People) is an African-American civil rights organization in the United States, formed in 1909. Their mission is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination. They are the earliest organisation to aid African- Americans into equality. They have had many successes in desegregating schools and their efforts have gone far however, it is arguable that other organisations, figures and events that were more influential to desegregation in schools than the NAACP. * The NAACP had succeeded in other cases for the rights of black people however; it was the Brown vs. Board of Education that is considered NAACP’s victorious achievement. But, without the work of Thurgood marshal that was appointed by the NAACP the outcome might have been different. Other than being the first African American to serve on the Supreme Court he had won 29 out of the 32 he had faced. He was a very intelligent and stood for his rights after winning previous cases for the NAACP himself and a team of NAACP attorneys won Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. Other than the NAACP winning the case Thurgood who was part of the NAACP team, was an inspiration to the African Americans. However, the decision didn’t lead to an immediate change as there was no clear deadline. The NAACP and Marshall forgot to argue its urgency for change therefore, Brown 2 the case that was to get the urgency it needed however, the decision was vague as it stated ‘with deliberate speed’. The NAACP did succeed in the decision of desegregation but it had no action. NAACP helped all African American’s in need such as the Little Rock 9 in 1957. The NAACP submitted 9 students to attend the previously all white school Little Rock, this was an achievement as a lot of the south wasn’t and would not comply with the high court’s orders. However, this turned into a disadvantage as The 9 students was verbally abused, tormented and prevented to enter their new school. The NAACP however, did help them try and enter or submit them in different and safer schools. It wasn’t just Little Rock students that they helped enter schools but many. * It is arguable that other factors effected the desegregation of schools such as the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court had to pass the laws to gain legal equality, therefore the Brown vs. Education case without the Chief of Justice Earl Warren reaching the decision that segregation is unconstitutional. Desegregation would never have gone through. They pass the McLaurin vs. Oklahoma state regents, this was to desegregate universities. However, other cases were inspired by the efforts of the NAACP, and the outcome they reached in the Brown vs. board of Education Verdict. * However, it was the ordinary people that changed their future by joining protests and helping each other. Such as Linda Brown, if it wasn’t for Linda’s cause the case to bring desegregation to schools. Linda Brown was the Daughter to Oliver Brown, because of his annoyance that his daughter had to walk 6 blocks because of the Plessy vs. Ferguson ruling ‘separate but equal’ under the Jim Crow laws. Her long walks to school led to one of the most monumental events that happened for African Americans. However, Linda Brown was part one of the thirteen families that was recruited to Topeka (the area they lived in), the NAACP took the case for Brown and pursued his plan to desegregate schools. * To conclude: The NAACP efforts in desegregating schools were more important than the other factors that influenced desegregations. Without The NAACP providing lawyers such as Marshall and helping brown win his case, Oliver brown wouldn’t of won the case. I believe that the NAACP’s involvement in the desegregation of schools was the main reason and that’s why I agree with the statement.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Love and Hate in Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet :: Free Romeo and Juliet Essays

'Romeo and Juliet' is a play written by William Shakespeare. A prologue is included at the start of the play, which portrays the tragedy between 'star-cross'd lovers'. Elizabethans believed that their fate is in the stars and the prologue increases the anticipation as it shows the way they are destined. Shakespeare has also included devices to dramatise the themes of love and hate throughout the play. In Elizabethan times the audience were involved in the ongoing play. Shakespeare involves the audience in scenes such as the ballroom scene (Act 1, Scene 5.) In Act 1, Scene 5 Romeo enters an enemy?s ball where he and Juliet fall in love for the first time, which angers Tybalt. At the end of Act 1, Scene 4 the mood is foreboding as Romeo believes that things could go wrong at the ball which he was to intrude on. He shows his fear by saying: ?I fear to early, for my mind misgive some consequences yet hanging in the stars? Romeo shows his fear by saying ?fear too early?. This suggests that he believes something there was something not right which made him highly anxious. There is a use of dramatic irony as the audience already know that there was to be problems because of the prologue, which makes keeps the interest from the audience. Elizabethans believed that their fate and destiny is written in the stars. The phrase ?hanging in the stars? which Romeo commented to himself, implies his destiny is in the stars, and it also suggests that because it is in the stars then the Elizabethan audience know definitely that here are going to be ?consequences?. In the beginning of Act, Scene 5 the mood changes from worrying to joyful, as the guests begin to enter the ball which is held by Capulet who is welcoming them. The mood is uplifting because the party is ready to start. The joyful mood is shown when Capulet says: ?Welcome, Gentlemen! Ladies that have toes Unplagu?d with corns will walk a bout with you.? The mood has changed quite drastically from the end of Act 1, Scene 4 to Act 1, Scene 5. This is show by when Capulet is welcoming people to the ball, ?Welcome, Gentlemen!? His excitement showed through the exclamation mark, which suggests that Capulet is full of energy which would lift the spirits of anyone who was to enter. The quotation creates the image of people bustling in, smiling and ready for the party.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Buyer behavior Essay

Blackwell, Miniard and Engel have proposed a very generic model of consumer problem solving in their text. The authors have related consumer decision making process as a goal directed problem solving process for consumers. By this we mean that when going for a decision or selecting between choices, a consumer is first exposed to a problem that creates confusion in his mind that what to think. This confusion and problem arises because there is a gap between his goals and the available services and products. In order to bridge this gap the consumer then takes help from the consumer decision making model and thus solves this problem by following a defined process. First of all the consumer recognizes a process and identifies for the differences between his ideal expectations and the situation and state of the product market. By using this problem solving process, Lamborghini can look into what are the main problems faced by consumers and potential customers in the market. Then it can come up with solutions in order to relate with the product, for example those customers who want speed with safety because they use this car for both family and status thus, Lamborghini can market this car as may be ‘safety with speed and status’ (Woodside 1992). After recognizing the problem the consumer then searches for a solution and thus he tends to seek information about substitutes. This is the time when the organization is expected to provide the customers with the information they need and thus leaving an image for them as the perfect solution to think upon. Lamborghini can also target these customers by providing its promotional material and text to corporate heads, business executives and people with heavy bank accounts in order to be the first to be in their mind. As the product is quite expensive, thus there is very less chance that any consumer would avoid considering the alternatives that are available in the market. This is the fourth stage of the consumer problem solving process where Lamborghini can provide the consumers with text and promotional material giving them a detailed overview of their product, its competitiveness and its edge over the other products. Then in the fifth stage the consumer buys the product and then makes further evaluation of the company and the product after the use of the product. By getting consumer feedback and providing after sales services, Lamborghini can come up with new strategies and ways in order to please its customers. As the product is designed for a very narrow based market, thus identifying different tastes, wants and preferences of consumers is very because they can subdivide under different categories. Each potential customer can be provided with information according to the subdivision he belongs to and thus more customers can be satisfied (Bettman 1975). There are a lot of levels in which problems are solved by the consumers depending on the effort they put in while deciding for a product that range from low involvement / low knowledge to high involvement/ high knowledge. There are 2 more levels in between these extremes. However in case of Lamborghini, as this product is a luxury item with a heavy price tag thus the consumers are highly involved. However as far as knowledge is concerned, there can be two cases, high or low, due to the two different target markets that we have already discussed. This is because corporate and status conscious customers want the best without having much knowledge about the performance about the running and speed of the car. The price tag and the brand does it all for them where as sports car lovers do take information into account to a great extent. Here below is a table that shows the difference in problem solving effectiveness of both the target markets. End Goal Considerations Decision Process Using a decision sequence model, such as SOSTAC, develop an appropriate communications strategy (including media and message) for this target market. A decision making model is a model that manufacturers use in order to devise a marketing plan that is strategically designed for ensuring maximum communication with the consumers which will in the end help in attracting more customers for the company. The decision making model that has been discussed in the research paper is known as the Sostac business model which stands for Current situation, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, Actions and lastly the control of the firm over its operations in order to market its product in the most efficient way(Moner 1973). This model is closely related with the consumer buying and purchasing behavior because the methods of information collection and generating of information are designed in such a way they can be used to promote and market for the consumers, according to their tastes and preferences. This model also helps an organization to realize its own position in the market and identifies the weaknesses and strengths of the firm. Basically the main function of this model is communication. The company first acquires information from the consumers that includes their intentions, attitudes, objectives and behavior towards a certain product, and then the company communicates comes up with a market strategy and plan in order to highlight these demands of consumers in their product. The company has to gather information regarding itself as well in order to see what actually is the current position of the company in the market so that the strategies it comes up with can be designed in the similar manner? A small developing business cannot claim and adopt strategies of a well established running business. In the case of Lamborghini, we will conduct a SOSTAC analysis in order to analyze its true position in the market as well the strategies it can use to market its products. Situation: In this subhead, the company first analyses where it is now. Lamborghini has to analyze itself in the automobile in order to see how the industry, competitors and the consumers look up to it. For this the company should take into account three further concepts that include the Swot analysis, the pet analysis and its competitive position in order to construct the negative and positive side of the companies’ actual position. In the Swot analysis Lamborghini analyzes its strengths weaknesses threats and opportunities in the automobile industry and the consumer market. The strengths of the company are that it has been providing quality sports cars from a number of years and is known in the sports car industry in the world. Lamborghini is a brand name and it has many loyal rich customers who came back again and again for newer models. As the SUV that the company is producing is a very luxurious car and also very happy on products, thus it is easy for the company to target its potential market with few other sports car manufacturers. Competition in the sports car industry between these few players is quite intense because every company tries to focus on the small potential market for sports cars (Dhar 1997). This can be looked upon as weakness of the company from the external side because companies like Ferrari BMW and AUDI are also producing and marketing quality sports cars like Lamborghini. Also as the company is marketing a branded and a luxurious expensive car, it cannot flood the market by mass production and reduced prices. The reason behind this is that along with marketing for the SUV, the company also has to maintain its luxury brand image and the status of producing ‘A’ class cars. Thus they cannot fall below a certain standard to attract more customers. Opportunities for the company in this case are that more and more credit facilitation programs are being launched by banks and financial institutions as known as auto loans and thus the company can target even those customers who have recently been promoted to high salary jobs and thus have the ability to pay for the installments. Lamborghini is also providing such auto loans to customers as well in order to make availability of funds to them. Private franchise owners are also coming into the scene even from the developing countries and thus the company also sees great opportunities and potential in the markets of these countries, again targeting the top notch people of their society. TV shows like Top Gear and Red Line have also aired entire episodes on the performance and the characteristics of the car and has helped in educating them well about the car. Lastly, in the SWOT analysis, Lamborghini also faces threats from the external side as the industry is coming up with new technology in racing and there has been a race going in this regard. Also there is a huge cost of business also involved in research and development because the research and development going on in this field are one of the most advanced levels of researches ever.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Analysis Of Rene Sat With Night At Bush Lake - 1463 Words

Rene sat with me in the darkness down on the dock at Bush Lake. The water was black. Soft ripples on the lake scattered what little glare shown from the streetlight on the other side of the lake. The Spring air was cool as the crickets chirped in the tall, distant grass. My friend Keith had wandered with Andrea down the path to the small peninsula where the picnic area waited in the night. The swimming beach lay on the other side of the lake. We were alone in the world. This is before the city paved the woodchip running trails along the lake, before the large houses encroached on Hyland Park, before they bulldozed the old abandoned cabin on the lakeside near Bush Lake Road. I was young enough to still feel excited when a woman sat next to me. The beer had run out, but she and I didn’t need anymore. I wanted to forget that anything existed outside of that moment in the darkness. We were alone with only the smooth wooden boards of the dock, the night air and each other for the rest of the night. I had just buried my brother a few days before. I had only a day or two left before I was to return to Camp Pendleton. A month before then, I d returned from my first deployment to Okinawa. I d been gone for half a year. When I d first arrived at Minneapolis/Saint Paul Airport three weeks earlier I d grabbed my sea bag from the baggage claim, after I d met my mom, dad and brother at the gate. I don t remember what we talked about, but I remember how strange, yet,Show MoreRelatedLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pagesyouve been having a good time. Yesterday you drove several hours into the area and parked in the main parking lot. Then you hiked six hours to your present campsite. The three of you carried all your food, water, sleeping bags, and tents. Last night you discovered that somebody had accidentally cracked the large water container. Now you are stuck with no water. Although there is a stream nearby, you wouldn’t normally drink from a stream, and you remember that your packets of water-sterilization